Publish Date
Jun 29, 2022

Rebranding Deity

The first and foremost reason for this rebranding is that we needed a better match to our brand personality. Jamie Maria Schouren, co-founder of Deity says: ‘After 5 years of Deity we built a versatile and enterprise level product, established a strong brand and found our place in the market. Deity combines what any fast growing online business needs: an Enterprise Powerhouse with the Freedom of Open Source platforms and the Ease and Speed of SaaS - the holy trinity to enable unlimited growth. Our new logo symbolizes these 3 worlds coming together, in a platform that connects them all. Deity.’
Our new identity

The shape also plays an important role in the rebranding process. Deity's previous logo was based on hexagonal shapes.This shape has become a remarkably common branding element, especially for brands that focus on tech and ecommerce. Strikingly similar logos were found frequently so we decided it was time to differentiate ourselves. We needed a completely redesigned identity that is unique, inspirational and innovative and better fits our brand personality.

The new logo is composed of different geometric shapes; a triangle, a square that represents different building blocks, and a circle that represents our cloud infrastructure which is the place that keeps everything safely together. These three shapes have come together to create something new. This is in line with the modular nature of our product.

The holy trinity
Let’s have a look at the shape that connects everything: the triangle.
A simple polygon, with three sides, three vertices and three angles is the symbol commonly known in math and science to represent ‘change’. The triangle is the strongest as it holds its shape and has a base which is very strong. There’s a common belief among physicists and other scientific communities which states that if we are ever able to observe the building blocks of the universe, it’ll relate itself more to a triangular form than any other shape.

The same shape has a spiritual meaning in many cultures, so you can imagine that the triangle is a symbol for God, which perfectly fits with our name: ‘’Deity - A godly being that empowers people to achieve the extraordinary.’’ The triangle is inseparable from number 3, which in turn boils down to the three worlds that Deity combines: Enterprise, Open source, and SaaS. Three is considered to be a holy and powerful number. Many world religions contain triple Deities or concepts of trinity.
Mind, body and spirit – Heaven, hell and earth – Past, present and future – Mother, father and child – Mental, physical and emotional – Birth, growth, and death – Start, middle and end… and so on.

Last but not least, the triangle is the symbol for fire, which matches with the Deity F.I.R.E. principle that stands for Flexibility, Integrability, Reliability, and Extensibility; the four elements we think you need to become a successful online business.
Deity - Composing Commerce
Deity’s brand personality can be described as innovative, futuristic, inspiring, technologic, authoritative, and accessible. With our new focus on the higher mid-market to enterprise segment, our main goal is to make a composable approach to digital commerce possible for every ambitious ecommerce business out there. We do this by providing our customers with a Composable Commerce architecture and blazingly fast headless PWA Storefront.

Deity is the platform that brings everything together and makes the impossible possible. It’s the composer of your commerce setup and from this arises our new tagline: Deity - Composing Commerce.
Have we caught your attention and do you want to know more about our company? Let’s talk!
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