
Replatforming from


Time to hit reset on your ecommerce set-up? Compose your ecommerce stack with Deity to gain unmatched speed-to-market and future-proof flexibility.

Replatforming with Deity: Building a Stack your Business deserves.

No more concessions when making a replatform choice, but compose what your business truly deserves. Deity helps you to compose a stack perfect for your business. Don’t get locked in by a single platform, but choose flexibility as a driver for your future business.

Commerce Best-of-Breed

Start easy and rely on pre-made integrations with the best tools in the market including Algolia, Talon-one and Contentful.

Custom Components

Made something special for your business? No problem! Re-use any custom components easily with our agnostic Orchestration Studio

PWA frontend
PWA frontend
PWA frontend

Front-end Experience

Front-end Experience

Turn front-end experiences into converting shops in no-time. Use our pre-made components or choose the stack you love.

Turn front-end experiences into converting shops in no-time. Use our pre-made components or choose the stack you love.

Rely on 25 years of Commerce Experience

One of the most difficult and inevitable situations any ecommerce company has to face, is the moment their trusted platform is no longer meeting their business needs. You need to reconsider your stack and replatform. Rely on our 25 years of experience to find the best solution for your business. Whether you want to make a step-by-step transformation or start from scratch, we are here to support you and find the best solution.

experience in ecommerce
experience in ecommerce

🧩 Get ahead of the game with Deity

Cut time to market drastically by relying on Deity’s pre-made integrations with all modern headless CMS's, marketing tools and market-leading ecommerce platforms like SAP, Commercetools, Bigcommerce, Magento and Salesforce. Combine this with your current ERP, PIM and payment systems to build a stack that truly supports your business.

Whether you want to make a step-by-step transformation or start from scratch, replatforming with Deity ensures confidence when embracing innovation as the new norm.

composable commerce
composable commerce
composable commerce

Find out how you can

supercharge your business

Find out how you can

supercharge your business

Find out how you can

supercharge your business


We can’t wait to hear from you!

If you have any questions about our company, platform or solutions, we'd be delighted to speak with you.

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Jamie Maria Schouren



We can’t wait to hear from you!

If you have any questions about our company, platform or solutions, we'd be delighted to speak with you.

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Jamie Maria Schouren



We can’t wait to hear from you!

If you have any questions about our company, platform or solutions, we'd be delighted to speak with you.

Lazy loaded image

Jamie Maria Schouren
