Next Level Commerce: Headless Architecture and SOA

Next Level Commerce: Headless Architecture and SOA

Next Level Commerce: Headless Architecture and SOA

Next Level Commerce: Headless Architecture and SOA


Jamie Maria Schouren



Jamie Maria Schouren



Jamie Maria Schouren



Jamie Maria Schouren




Publish Date

Jan 9, 2020

Next level commerce, Monoliths, Headless, Service Oriented Architectures


Headless Architecture - It’s January 2020. A new decade and a digital era in which eCommerce is booming. Online customers have never been this demanding. We want everything now! It’s a time of high consumer demand, where every moment and experience is a commercial opportunity. Every interaction should be shoppable. Business models must evolve and adapt quickly.

New ideas, new opportunities, new markets, and new selling points follow each other rapidly, and as a company, you need to make sure you keep up. If you want to compete in this ever-evolving, fast-paced market, there is only one option: your software needs to be extendable, maintainable, reliable, scalable, and flexible.

Welcome to the world of Modular Software, the world of Service-Oriented Architectures.

Since 2017, a new wind has been blowing through the world of eCommerce software. A wind carrying the words Headless and Progressive Web Apps. 2019 was the year we all, including big enterprises such as Magento and BigCommerce, fully embraced these terms. 2020 will be the year we evolve even further: to full Service-Oriented Architectures. But what exactly are these things? What does it truly mean? And what will be the impact on your business?

Progressive Web Apps, or PWA in short, are web applications that are regular web pages or websites but with capabilities of native mobile applications. The application type attempts to combine features offered by most modern browsers with the benefits of a mobile experience. It is a set of specific features mimicking an experience, built with specific modern web technologies such as service workers. A PWA is your front-end, it is an experience, a set of technical requirements. By no means, a PWA is a framework, a javascript language, or a software architecture (read more about PWA here).

When talking about software architecture, we are talking about the structure these kinds of systems live in, including PWAs. We are talking about Monolithic, Headless, and even further, Service-Oriented Architecture.

“Recognising the need is the primary condition for design.”

— Charles Eames

Old and Gold: Monolithic Architecture

With traditional Monolithic architecture in ecommerce, everything is tightly coupled: the UI layer, the data layer, the processes. Everything is deeply interwoven, heavily depending on, and even influencing all other processes. A great example of monolithic architecture is Magento (Adobe). In this architecture, everything is tightly coupled and all running in one application, with a layered application design.

In a layered design, we can find different types of components: Presentation (your front-end), Business Logic, and Database Logic. In many cases, also the Application Integration can be found which integrates with other services via messaging or REST API, etc.

Although the monolith can have a modular architecture with different components, the application is packaged and deployed as one. This has many advantages as it is relatively simple to develop and deploy. Monoliths are simple to test and simple to scale using a variety of tools.

Diagram of a Monolithic Architecture

When Not To Use A Monolith?

However, as soon as you start to grow, you will run into issues with a monolith very soon. A simple approach has a strong limitation on size and complexity.

Monoliths are hard to extend and maintain.

When your application becomes complex, it becomes hard to understand how components are linked and how they impact each other. This means making quick (and safe) changes is nearly impossible. Each change requires deploying the entire application and leads to extensive manual testing as the impact can not be guaranteed. Bugs can appear ‘out of nowhere’ which can take a lot of resources to find and fix.

Monoliths are not flexible.

A monolith by design has a barrier to adopt new technologies. Any change in the framework or language will affect the entire application. An extremely risky, expensive, and time-consuming process.

Monoliths are not reliable.

As processes in a monolith are deeply interdependent. A bug in any module can potentially bring down your whole system. Often, it’s not even a bug that brings down an application but a simple process taking up too many resources. For example, a Front-End going down when someone decides to export all historical customer data from the CMS system.

Recently Magento made an update to fix the following problem which perfectly showcases how the dependency in a monolith can affect your business process:

“When an Admin user, with the role scope restricted by website, performs operations in the Admin panel (including logging in, saving products, and so on), Magento rebuilds the stored cache. Rebuilding the cache negatively impacts performance and can lead to a site outage, especially during business and/or high-traffic hours.”

There are ways to optimize a monolith, but as soon as your store becomes complex or you want to adopt new changes, you will run into problems again. By itself, some processes could be optimized. An example would be the Front-End (experience). This can be optimized by using technologies like caching and/or service workers which technically makes it into a Progressive Web App. This Progressive Web App then still lives within the monolithic architecture.

Go Headless With A Decoupled Architecture

In much more modern architecture, a Headless Architecture, the Front-End is decoupled from the Back-End and connects via APIs. This means that the Front-End is a stand-alone application that can run and be served completely separately from the Back-End(s). You could even serve the Front-End through a CDN. This has huge benefits to scalability and ease of adopting modern tools and technologies.

The concept of Headless became widely popular in 2018. However, it is not new and has been known as a decoupled architecture.

A headless website refers to a situation where there is a traditional ‘Back-End’ system that businesses can use to maintain content, products, etc., via an admin interface. Then, this content is generated for the site and is accessible via a web-service API, usually in a RESTful manner. Nowadays, this could also be done using GraphQL. The Presentation Layer (the Front-End), is delivered by a (Javascript) application, rendering the output of this API into HTML. It is a stand-alone application that can run on a separate instance and can even be a Progressive Web App when the right requirements are met. However, by default, a Headless setup does not necessarily have to be a Progressive Web App. The key here is the decoupling of the Front-End. The Front-end itself is no longer depending on or heavily interwoven with the Back-End.

Diagram of a Headless Architecture

Why Would You Need To Go Headless?

In a Headless Architecture, the Front-End (or Front-Ends, as there can be more Front-Ends using one Back-End) is fully decoupled from the Back-End. Technically, this means that Front-End developers can build the Front-End independently of the Back-End developers. Opposed to monolithic architectures where Front-End developers generally have to wait until the Back-End developers are ‘ready’ before they can start working their magic. Decreasing time to markets, complexity of teams, and iterations drastically.

Not only will you speed up the time it takes to implement new features and designs, going Headless will give you (when done right, obviously) massive performance advantages. The Front-End only has to focus on what it does best: delivering an application in a browser and can, therefore, be much more responsive. When introducing techniques such as “single page application”, service workers, and/or caching, the performance will benefit drastically, and be independent of any process running in the Back-End.

Drawback Of A Headless Architecture

There is, however, one major drawback to this: the Front-End still needs data that needs to come from ‘somewhere’. If the API is slow or if the Back-End is not responding fast enough, technically, the Front-End could appear but with missing content and data.

If the Front-End is built and designed in the right way, for example as a ‘single page application’, users might still perceive the application as fast, even though the data is missing. There are many techniques to maintain a good user experience if the Back-End is slow, including caching and lazy loading. Even if the Back-End is completely unresponsive, it is possible to communicate this to the user in a friendly way.

Data in a Headless Architecture

So where exactly is the data coming from? Well, that can be any system. This could be Magento, WordPress, BigCommerce, Shopify, or whatever the merchant chooses to work with. Even when a Back-End platform is chosen, with the right use of Headless Architecture, a merchant can decide to migrate the Back-End system at any time without it having any impact on the Front-End.

The main advantage of a true Headless Architecture is flexibility. The front-end can integrate with any data source and can be built using a modern tech stack that is not impacted by Back-End processes. They can be easily scaled, and of course, they can be a Progressive Web App.

A great example of headless architecture is BigCommerce. BigCommerce can run as a monolithic architecture, with a coupled Front-End, but as they have 90% of their platform data exposed via API, it provides headless commerce out-of-the-box.

An easy way to get started with BigCommerce in a Headless architecture is to use BigCommerce in combination with Deity PWA Storefront, a PWA for ecommerce. The two companies partnered up to provide a seamless shopping experience with a super fast and highly flexible Front-End by Deity while all the content and data is provided by BigCommerce.

A diagram of a headless setup using Deity and BigCommerce

Next Level: Service-Oriented Architectures

Now we know how a Headless Architecture makes your Front-End more flexible, more scalable, and easier to maintain. What if we apply this same principle to Back-End systems?

What if we define Back-End processes as separate services, for example, order management, stock management, assortment management, logistic services, payment services, and more — and build them all decoupled from each other? In this instance, we are building a Decentralized System… a Service-Oriented Architecture. Such architecture will bring flexibility, extensibility, scalability, and reliability to both Front-End and Back-End processes - the ingredients needed to build a robust, yet lightweight, enterprise system that is ready to accelerate any business.

Diagram of a Service Oriented Architecture

Service-Oriented Architectures And Middleware

The Service-Oriented Architecture significantly impacts the relationship between the various systems and the database. Instead of sharing a single database schema with other services, each service has its own database schema. Having a database schema per service is essential if you want to benefit fully, as it ensures loose coupling. Moreover, a service can use a type of database that is best suited to its needs (also known as polyglot persistence architecture).

So how does that work? With all these systems separate and decentralized, where do we exchange data? And how do we ensure that the data is clean, that no duplicate data exists, and the data knows only ‘one source of truth’?

We could build all separate APIs per service and maintain in each service where the data should go to (and what the true point of data is). But with many data streams, complex individual services, and fast-growing companies who want to extend functionalities quickly, this could get messy and very complex.

Therefore, in a true Service-Oriented Architecture, we use a Middleware. This (smart) Middleware connects all the dots between the systems and services. It regulates where the data comes from, where it should go to, and where the true source of data is. Processes we can find in Middleware include authentication handlers and messaging systems.

In a traditional SOA, we would use a Service Orchestrator and ETL (Extract, Transform, Load) tool to make our data accessible, meaningful, and usable across disparate data systems. In more modern tech stacks, we can use GraphQL with an API for this.

Benefits of Service-Oriented Architectures

Building such architecture gives you the (Front-End) advantages of a Headless Architecture and bringing the same scalability, flexibility, extensibility, performance, etc., to Back-End processes. It could be said that a ‘Headless Architecture’ is a ‘light’ or ‘early’ version of a Service-Oriented Architecture.

A Service-Oriented Architecture tackles the problem of complexity that monoliths have by decomposing the monolith into a set of manageable services. These are much faster to develop, much easier to understand, much easier to maintain, and much more flexible. You can adjust, extend, and do whatever your business requires easier and much faster.

As each service is a stand-alone application, it could be developed, maintained, and deployed as such. This allows for independent (external) teams, continuous deployment, hassle-free extensibility, and unlimited scalability per service.

Adopting new technologies is much faster, and developers can choose the right technology for each service, not being bound to whatever (legacy) technology was chosen at the beginning of the project.

Last, but definitely not least. It’s worth mentioning that, specifically for eCommerce, there are many services on the market that are perfectly executing certain tasks. We are all familiar with services such as Algolia for search, PayPal for payments, Akaneo for product information management, WordPress for content, etc. With so many great tools out there, it would be a shame (and unnecessarily complex) to rebuild each service by yourself. In a Service-Oriented Architecture, you can connect any existing service to your Middleware, composing the best set of tools for your business, and compliment your landscape with custom made services where needed.

By the use of Middleware and a Service-Oriented Architecture, you get full freedom in what you use, how you build your business, and what you want to do next. No choice will bind you for years or be massively time-consuming. Your business becomes flexible, scalable, and can adapt as quickly as the market is changing.


If you had to build this from scratch it would be very complex. The good news is, you don’t have to start from scratch, You don’t even have to bother with deployment processes.

Deity is a software company specialized in Service-Oriented Architecture-based applications for eCommerce. We can provide you with the basics (and more complex steps) for these architectures, whether you want to go full SOA or take the first step and go Headless. Our software can even connect your current store and systems to their Middleware, which will make the first steps to decouple your system. Without disinvestments in your current system, Deity will then give your system unlimited flexibility, extensibility, scalability, and the power to grow within no time.


Since the world of ecommerce is getting more demanding, more complex, and growing at an exponential rate, it is very wise to (re)think about the basics. What is my store, what do I need, what system do I want to use, or which one is already used, what are the goals, and where am I going to be in 5 years?

Contrary to what some companies have been stating in the last 2 years, using new tech such as PWA will not magically solve all your problems, give you massive performance gains, or allow for unlimited scalability. These techniques have to be used carefully in combination with the right architecture to be the basis of your future success.

Although maybe the initial setup might be a bit more complex and have a steeper learning curve, in the end, you will end up with a less complex, much more flexible, and more logical system. You will not run into problems as soon as your business starts to grow. Giving you the time to focus on building great experiences and functionality, rather than maintaining complex code.

And that is what next-level ecommerce should be all about. Focus our efforts and energy on what we are good at, on delivering the best, most innovative experience to our customers, surprising them time after time by implementing new features fast while staying leaps ahead of our competition.

Jamie Maria Schouren

Jamie is addicted to ecommerce, in love with code and her mind bound to business. Driven by the urge for innovation, she co-founded Deity, with which she is on a mission to spark an online revolution to evolve web technologies.

Jamie Maria Schouren

Jamie is addicted to ecommerce, in love with code and her mind bound to business. Driven by the urge for innovation, she co-founded Deity, with which she is on a mission to spark an online revolution to evolve web technologies.

Jamie Maria Schouren

Jamie is addicted to ecommerce, in love with code and her mind bound to business. Driven by the urge for innovation, she co-founded Deity, with which she is on a mission to spark an online revolution to evolve web technologies.

Jamie Maria Schouren

Jamie is addicted to ecommerce, in love with code and her mind bound to business. Driven by the urge for innovation, she co-founded Deity, with which she is on a mission to spark an online revolution to evolve web technologies.

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    Ivo Bronsveld

    Head of Integrations


    Deity opens up the world of composable commerce for commercetools merchants by providing a powerful set of building blocks. Deity is a solution to watch, they are one of the next big things in commerce.

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    Martijn Phijffer

    Business Development Man.


    In recent months, I've discovered Deity as a highly skilled company that swiftly addressed our complex online challenges. Their composable commerce engine is truly impressive. I strongly recommend them for any online needs.

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    Adam Watt

    Head of Engineering

    Jimmy Brings

    The Composable architecture already paid off, we've already made changes to some of the internal microservices and didn’t have to push the release out to any of the frontend components or change anything in the code base. It really builds confidence and solves the problems we had in the past, which is amazing!

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    Rouven Weßling

    Dir. Technology Partnerships


    The integration between Deity and Contentful opens the possibility to connect to any ecommerce service quickly and securely. We are excited about working together to help our customers make the jump from legacy systems to a composable commerce architecture.

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    Sergiu Tabaran

    Chief Operating Officer

    Absolute Web

    Deity’s innovative solution allows our merchants to adopt headless much more quickly than managing multiple layers of custom development, a huge leap forward!

  • Lazy loaded image

    Ivo Bronsveld

    Head of Integrations


    Deity opens up the world of composable commerce for commercetools merchants by providing a powerful set of building blocks. Deity is a solution to watch, they are one of the next big things in commerce.

  • Lazy loaded image

    Martijn Phijffer

    Business Development Man.


    In recent months, I've discovered Deity as a highly skilled company that swiftly addressed our complex online challenges. Their composable commerce engine is truly impressive. I strongly recommend them for any online needs.

  • Lazy loaded image

    Adam Watt

    Head of Engineering

    Jimmy Brings

    The Composable architecture already paid off, we've already made changes to some of the internal microservices and didn’t have to push the release out to any of the frontend components or change anything in the code base. It really builds confidence and solves the problems we had in the past, which is amazing!

  • Lazy loaded image

    Rouven Weßling

    Dir. Technology Partnerships


    The integration between Deity and Contentful opens the possibility to connect to any ecommerce service quickly and securely. We are excited about working together to help our customers make the jump from legacy systems to a composable commerce architecture.

  • Lazy loaded image

    Sergiu Tabaran

    Chief Operating Officer

    Absolute Web

    Deity’s innovative solution allows our merchants to adopt headless much more quickly than managing multiple layers of custom development, a huge leap forward!

  • Lazy loaded image

    Ivo Bronsveld

    Head of Integrations


    Deity opens up the world of composable commerce for commercetools merchants by providing a powerful set of building blocks. Deity is a solution to watch, they are one of the next big things in commerce.

  • Lazy loaded image

    Martijn Phijffer

    Business Development Man.


    In recent months, I've discovered Deity as a highly skilled company that swiftly addressed our complex online challenges. Their composable commerce engine is truly impressive. I strongly recommend them for any online needs.

  • Lazy loaded image

    Adam Watt

    Head of Engineering

    Jimmy Brings

    The Composable architecture already paid off, we've already made changes to some of the internal microservices and didn’t have to push the release out to any of the frontend components or change anything in the code base. It really builds confidence and solves the problems we had in the past, which is amazing!

  • Lazy loaded image

    Rouven Weßling

    Dir. Technology Partnerships


    The integration between Deity and Contentful opens the possibility to connect to any ecommerce service quickly and securely. We are excited about working together to help our customers make the jump from legacy systems to a composable commerce architecture.

  • Lazy loaded image

    Sergiu Tabaran

    Chief Operating Officer

    Absolute Web

    Deity’s innovative solution allows our merchants to adopt headless much more quickly than managing multiple layers of custom development, a huge leap forward!

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Jamie Maria Schouren



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Jamie Maria Schouren



We can’t wait to hear from you!

If you have any questions about our company, platform or solutions, we'd be delighted to speak with you.

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Jamie Maria Schouren
